Saturday, March 19, 2016

Daily Painting

9x12" pastel on La Carte paper

I have been painting daily for several months now. It has now become a regular part of my life, if I skip a day which happens sometimes because of life it feels a little strange. I love this daily habit and I can see the improvement in my work because of it and it's just plain therapeutic for me!

I am working towards a landscape exhibit in July so I am painting a little bigger now. This is my latest pastel and it's a 9x12", I decided to go smaller first to see if it would translate well into a bigger piece and I think it will, maybe an 18x24 or 14x18".

If anyone out their is thinking about picking up the daily painting habit I highly recommend it! You will see an improvement in  your painting and build up a body of work at the same time.